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Kuk Sool Won Of Peoria

Kuk Sool Won

Health Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums The Owner of Kuk Sool Won Of Peoria is Ben Mitchell Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : The most complete Martial Arts System in the Peoria area, emphasizing self-discipline, self-respect, self-esteem, self-confidence and education!
Kuk Sool is not a sport, nor is it simply another oriental self defense method. Kuk Sool is a complete martial art that is dedicated to the cultivation of mental strength and well-being, and the preservation of traditional Korean Martial Arts.
KJN Ben is the only instructor from Peoria, IL that has ever been featured on the cover of TKD Times Magazine and the second African American to ever be featured on the cover. This is quite an accomplishment; to be recognized by the martial arts community around the world and given such an honor. Copies of the magazine are available at the Do Jang (school).
Kuk Sool is a martial art unlike any other! Kuk Sool is an internal, hard/soft martial art. It is “internal” because it is based on the development and use of Ki, or the internal power. The “hard/soft” description means that Kuk Sool combines the graceful, flowing ease of soft styles like Tai Chi with the awesome power of hard styles like Tae Kwon Do. It combines Kicking, punching, throwing, falling, joint-locking, and weapons techniques into a beautiful and dynamic martial art, emphasizing speed and fluidity.
The name “Kuk Sool Won” is best understood by breaking it down into its three sections. “Kuk” translates to “nation”, “state”, or “country”. “Sool” literally means “martial art technique”. However, “Sool” implies meaning going deeper to include the mental, spiritual and philosophical heritage of Korean Martial Arts. “Won” means institution or association. The entire name, “Kuk Sool Won” can be translated to “National Martial Arts Association”.
For self-defense, Kuk Sool is unsurpassed as a martial art system, it covers the entire spectrum of the established Asian fighting arts. In conjunction with body conditioning techniques, mental development, meditation, breathing, acupressure, and acupuncture techniques are employed to improve and maintain health, develop internal power to provide the means for attaining a longer and healthier life.
Kuk Sool can benefit men, women and children of all ages. Through diligent practice, Kuk Sool training will develop strength, quickness, balance, timing, flexibility and co-ordination. At the same time powers of concentration, self-discipline and self-control significantly improve. In addition, faithful practice will enhance circulation and digestion, reduce problems of the back and joints, aid in weight loss and help to develop and maintain a youthful appearance. These benefits will positively affect all aspects of your life.
Sports centres
Fitness centres

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Kuk Sool Won Of Peoria in Peoria you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 2002

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 Address: 5221 N Big Hollow Rd
61615, Peoria, Illinois

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